so... why a website?
i dislike the nature of the current internet + social media- that's the long and short of it. i dislike how addictive it is and how it encourages turning yourself into a brand. i especially dislike how it's made subcultures "shallow" and purely based on surface aesthetics. current web doesn't encourage creativity or authenticity, i think. it doesn't encourage the formation of real connections, only parasocial relationships.

mainstream social media has honestly done little to actually improve my life, i think. there's a strong push for conformity and anything that doesn't fall within that line is labelled cringe at best. that, and there are ads everywhere.

this isn't beautifully written, but this is why i'm migrating towards the old web revival movement. it's exhausting to perform. it's exhausting to feel like i'm under scrutiny by people in my periphery irl. it's exhausting to feel the pressure of being constantly accessible to others, to be something "to consume" and "replace". like an object. idk !! make a website and fuck the corporatization of the internet !!
