the enjoyment of reading



The Unified Theory on Ophelia // BN Harrison
Queers Read This
The Mayer Bernadette Journal Experiments
In Defense of the Poor Image: on the value of the poor in resolution
“Having a Cause” versus Living in a Life Centered in Radical Transformation by Dean Spade
"Reclaiming Online Spaces Manifesto" by Ivan Papiol
Unabomber's Manifesto
Eco-Apocalypse (Excerpt) by Michael Parenti
Combat Liberalism by Mao Tse-Tung
PDFs on music theory


2chan story translations
Japanese horror content as translated by Tara A. Devlin
Cowboy Frank: diary of an elderly gay man, updated since the 90s
Saya in Underworld: the OG in Japanese Horror Translations
Long-running blog about portable gaming.
Blog about ROM hacks/bootleg games.

film/performance art

Memories for Forgetfulness Elsewhere: on orientalist journalism, challenging imperial narratives
I can hardly bear it when it is over, I can hardly bear it when it starts: "you be good, i love you".


Game Preservation
Japanese game database
Serial Experiments Lain
Games translated from Japanese to English by vgperson


Zines from the 90s/2000s
Serene Gecko's zine library


Green Snake: Women Centred Ecology
Sung Hwan Kim: Protected by roof and right-hand muscles
Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn: Deep Knowledge
The Initiation Well
Flipaclip animations archive
Online visual art museum
Oekaki board made by cinni
bongcheon-dong ghost ?!!!

self-efficacy/mental health

Mental Models: models for making intelligent decisions
Untools: tools for decision-making and problem-solving
Passive Listening
Self-Care as Radical Liberation
Emotional codes: tool for processing emotions
Interactive mood wheel
Ambient noise


Play hits from any decade, any country
Nightfall City
Melonland Old Web Forums
Web GB Cam: simulating a gameboy camera
Old Game Archive
Obscure Vidya Archive
Obscure Japanese Games
Comic book library
Strange websites compendium
Wiki on cut content from video games